Flavia Durach, PhD, is Lecturer at the College of Communication and Public Relations, National University for Political Studies and Public Administration, Bucharest

Flavia Durach, PhD, is Lecturer at the College of Communication and Public Relations, National University for Political Studies and Public Administration, Bucharest, and member of the Center for EU Communication Studies within the same institution.  She teaches Mass media and society (theories of media effects) (in Romanian), and  Project management (in English). Her research interests include the study of media effects, with an emphasis on fake news and online disinformation, EU communication, and EU attitudes. As such, and she authored the volume ”Public Opinion towards the EU: Triumphalism, Euroscepticism or Banal Representations?” (Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2016), co-authored the edited volume ” Patterns of contemporary development. Assessing challenges and opportunities” (ed., 2018), as well as numerous articles and chapters in edited volumes.

As an accredited project manager, Flavia Durach contributed to the implementation of several research and teaching projects, such as the Jean Monnet Module ”Patterns of Europeanization in Central and Eastern Europe”, ”State of the Nation – designing an innovative instrument for supporting public policies”, and ”Strengthening Professional Higher Education and VET in Central & South Eastern Europe”. Flavia Durach is currently a senior researcher within in an international project dedicated to media literacy interventions for fighting fake news in the digital environment (YouCheck! – Grant procedure: Media Literacy for All, European Union).