Prof. Massimo Introzzi was born in Como in 1957. He graduated from the “P. Gioio” Scientific High School in 1976, enrolled in the Faculty of Electronic Engineering specializing in Bioengineering at the Politecnico di Milano. During the university period he carried out military service from 1978 to 1980 (first as AUC…
Articles by Administrator
Mary Mares-Awe Mary Mares-Awe is an American journalist and university journalism instructor. She has worked for several well-known news organizations, including Tribune Broadcasting, Fox News, CBS News, King World Entertainment, Infinity Broadcasting and NBC radio. Mary has a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Political Science, with a concentration in International…
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The IAI Business & Economic Sciences conference provides a platform for academics, researchers, and Ph.D. students to contribute with their papers on topics related business and economics. Important Dates Publication Conference Venue Registration and Payment Style Guidelines E-Presentation (Virtual Presentation) Topics for Conference Further details are outlined below. Registration/Abstract Submissions accepted here March…
The IAI Education & Social Sciences conference provides a platform for academics, researchers, and Ph.D. students to contribute with their papers on topics related to education, humanities and social sciences. Important Dates Publication Conference Venue Registration and Payment Style Guidelines E-Presentation (Virtual Presentation) Topics for Conference Further details are outlined below. Registration/Abstract…
Congratulations to our participants! Next conference will be held at Vienna University, 20 March 2019.
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The IAI Education & Social Sciences conference provides a platform for academics, researchers, and Ph.D. students to contribute with their papers on topics related to education, humanities and social sciences. Important Dates Publication Conference Venue Registration and Payment Style Guidelines E-Presentation (Virtual Presentation) Topics for Conference Further details are outlined below. Registration/Abstract…
The IAI Business & Economics conference provides a platform for academics, researchers, and Ph.D. students to contribute with their papers on business, economics, management and finance. Important Dates Publication Conference Venue Registration and Payment Style Guidelines E-Presentation (Virtual Presentation) Topics for Conference Further details are outlined below. Registration/Abstract Submissions accepted…