Studied Law at the Faculty of Ss. Cyril and Methodius University. Skopje (1994-1998) Awarded the Frank Hardcourt Manning Award for best student at the University in 1997. Master’s Studies in Communication at the Faculty of Law, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, Skopje (1999-2002). M.A. thesis: Media and Political Propaganda of…
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Mrs. Milena Apostolovska- Stepanoska, PhD is Associate Professor at the Law Faculty “Iustinianus Primus” Skopje. She teaches Sociology of Law at the Law Department, Political Sociology at the Political Studies Department and European Integrations at the Department for Journalism. In 2015 Apostolovska- Stepanoska defended her PhD thesis titled “The European…
Martina Gligorova studied Law at University Ss. Cyril and Methodius, Law faculty “Iustinianus Primus”, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia (2011-2014). On January 18, 2018 she defended her master thesis titled “European Union policy on media literacy versus Republic of Macedonia“ and obtained her Master degree in International law, relations and European…
Hristina Runcheva Tasev is Associate Professor at the Faculty of Law “Iustinianus Primus” in Skopje. She graduated from the Faculty of Law in 2007 with an average grade of 9.89. She received an Award and Golden coin by the Rector of the Ss. Cyril and Methodius University of Skopje for…
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The IAI Education & Social Sciences conference provides a platform for academics, researchers, and Ph.D. students to contribute with their papers on topics related to education, humanities and social sciences. Important Dates Publication Conference Venue Registration and Payment Style Guidelines E-Presentation (Virtual Presentation) Topics for Conference Further details are outlined below. Registration/Abstract…
The International Academic Institute (IAI) hosts Business & Economics Conferences worldwide to promote excellence in academic research. Conferences are open to academics and industry professionals. All accepted papers/abstracts are double-blind peer reviewed and participation in the conference includes publication of your complete manuscript in the conference proceedings.
The International Academic Institute (IAI) hosts Education & Social Sciences Conferences worldwide to promote excellence in academic research. Conferences are open to academics and industry professionals. All accepted papers/abstracts are double-blind peer reviewed and participation in the conference includes publication of your complete manuscript in the conference proceedings.
The International Academic Institute publishes two academic journals that contain the latest scientific research findings in their respective fields. Both of our journals are Open Access – available free of charge to view, print, link and download. Articles submitted to the International Academic Institute for journal publication are subjected to…